Tutorial Eight-Assistive technology

This week we looked at assistive technology man! it was ACTUALLY interesting. we had these two guest speakers! gasp. it was cool to hear how helpful assistive technology is. We had a chance to "play" with some of the assistive equipment and an exercise using the talking photo frame. we were to give instruction on how to make a smoothie...and it must have been successful because when we put someone to the test...the smoothie was choice as!
The talking photo album. The purpose of this equipment is to increase occupational capacity by partaking in activities with use of the device. It enables the client to successfully make something with more independence or withhold a conversation with someone by simple showing them a picture and pressing a button. It enables them to give direction without having to verbally announce or physically mime. I often deal with children on the ward and in a home environment where communication is a problem. This piece of equipment would be ideal for clients with autism, dyslexia, auditory deficit, develop mental disability. It allows them “a freedom of speech” (Beukelman 2010) and aids in communication. 
It can be used in numerous ways:
- prepare disabled children for a transition to a new school or residential school where you could include photos of the new location and staff with explanations of what each photo shows.
- to create life stories with young people showing a record (of photos and voice recordings) of people and places they have lived
- to support a young person explain what they like and dislike about their life/placement which could feed into a young persons review meeting (Marshal, 2008)      
-Interact with the doctors and nurses at the hospital prior to discharge. 
-It is a way to document the improvement or decline in function of a client tested by how often they are using and relying on the album.

Marshal. B. (2008). Resource to help disabled children participate. Talking photo albums. Retrieved on May 11th 2011 from http://sites.childrenssociety.org.uk/disabilitytoolkit/toolkit/resource.aspx?id=59

Beukelman, D., & Ray, P. (2010). Communication supports in pediatric rehabilitation.Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 3, 279–288.

also for further info on the talking photo frame go to: http://sites.childrenssociety.org.uk/disabilitytoolkit/toolkit/resource.aspx?id=59

Tutorial Seven-Blog links and communication

This week was on linking up with other blogs and commenting on fello OT wannabies :P


Rachel said...
Hey it's Runty!....(Runty is my fav puppy he is sooo cute and soo gumpy)
Rachel said...
Unfortunately I have no friends...cough on my blog....so for this exercise I will type a comment back to myself
Here are some fello OT student blog addresses







Man one of my OT friends showed this to me!!
I had to have on my blog!
So inspirational! please do watch Hilary! and Otago markers!

Tutorial six-The internet and online communities

Youtube!- to share ideas and have the opportunity to receive feedback from others also the ability to make other aware of what they might not know.-check out the OT rap!
Facebook-social networking...this was kind of helpful on my placement...it helped my keep in contact with all my friends and relies who were back up in the north island...
Also through my investigation Facebook is a community, everyone joins and links up to long lost people facebook reunites and also promotes staying on the internet to stalk people..and coerce like a community ;) 

booya totally just figured out how to change my font size

over and out!

Here is a cuter vid of my pups!! 
:) Enjoy

Tutorial Four and Five

In class today we made a mini video. choosing a letter from the alphabet.
Now initially My group had done a short clip on the letter "C" but unfortunately due to cough technical problems it wouldn't work (it never made it to youtube)( but i still wanted to show you I can upload youtube clips on to my blog) so i have done a mini video and some other suff. our dog has had puppies recently and here is a video that was uhh not for the faint hearted....ewww. I initially started filming this beacause this is my favourite puppy...it's the runt ;) and it drinks really gumpy...then whilst filming i noticed what was in the water bowl ew.

Tutorial three- Blog creation tasks

Make an account-check!
Choose a template-check!....(it's black i know i know a bit emo but to be honest i don't know how to change it!")
content for for-Oh yeah! k i'll do that soon
Photos...i have one of me jumping on he beach :) check out that serious air I got...(quote from nepolian dinamite)

Tutorial Two Digital Imaging

List some of the ways that digital images are stored transferred and manipulated using information technology.
Digital images are stored not only on the camera itself but also on the SD (secure digital card) card within the camera which enables you to share edit and print all the images you take! once you upload them onto your computer you can edit and adjust the look of the image, then waalah! There are many different ways devices record information and provide to the bigger scale! 
there are many common ways digital technology is being used today. Websites are on the forfront of presenting digital imaging a good example of this is facebook and youtube. both of these websites provide an opportunity for members of the public to share with the world wide web there digital images. Even the concept of watching television on the computer is become normal, and extra handy!  although the idea of easy upload and sharing your vidoes and photos with the internet might be apealing it also raises a ethical concern. with people putting up vidoes of othere family members without their permission. I have found this funny clip of a young boy who has just found out his WOW (world of warcraft) character had been deleted. without his knowlefge he was being filmed by his brother who then posted on youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wow+account+cancelled&aq=0&oq=wow+ac

  • USB flash drives
  • Compact disk (CD)
  • Digital vesitile disk (DVD)
  • Hard drive
  • Microphone
  • Printer
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Graphics card
  • Video games
  • Word processors (exel, microsoft word etc)
  • Photoshops
  • Internet explorer
  • Virus protections e.g Firewalls

There are advantages and disadvantages to new technology. personally i really have rescpect for old school photography. I took dark room photography when I was in high school and loved it. i really appreciated the final product. It is more time consuming and gave me a mean headache after spending all day surrounded by the chemicals but man it was fun and I'm sad to admit the art of it dying and becoming less and less popular. the pros of digital are that it's quick and easy and you can easily duplicate. also that they can be transfered.