Tutorial Two Digital Imaging

List some of the ways that digital images are stored transferred and manipulated using information technology.
Digital images are stored not only on the camera itself but also on the SD (secure digital card) card within the camera which enables you to share edit and print all the images you take! once you upload them onto your computer you can edit and adjust the look of the image, then waalah! There are many different ways devices record information and provide to the bigger scale! 
there are many common ways digital technology is being used today. Websites are on the forfront of presenting digital imaging a good example of this is facebook and youtube. both of these websites provide an opportunity for members of the public to share with the world wide web there digital images. Even the concept of watching television on the computer is become normal, and extra handy!  although the idea of easy upload and sharing your vidoes and photos with the internet might be apealing it also raises a ethical concern. with people putting up vidoes of othere family members without their permission. I have found this funny clip of a young boy who has just found out his WOW (world of warcraft) character had been deleted. without his knowlefge he was being filmed by his brother who then posted on youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wow+account+cancelled&aq=0&oq=wow+ac

  • USB flash drives
  • Compact disk (CD)
  • Digital vesitile disk (DVD)
  • Hard drive
  • Microphone
  • Printer
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Graphics card
  • Video games
  • Word processors (exel, microsoft word etc)
  • Photoshops
  • Internet explorer
  • Virus protections e.g Firewalls

There are advantages and disadvantages to new technology. personally i really have rescpect for old school photography. I took dark room photography when I was in high school and loved it. i really appreciated the final product. It is more time consuming and gave me a mean headache after spending all day surrounded by the chemicals but man it was fun and I'm sad to admit the art of it dying and becoming less and less popular. the pros of digital are that it's quick and easy and you can easily duplicate. also that they can be transfered.

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