I have been placing post it notes around my house to facilitate my learning. so lightly adapting my environment to learn more effectively.
This is referring to look about the activity what is it projecting, how does it look? is it visually pleasing?
Through my experience I found that when i would look in the mirror and watch myself perform the movements it would look "so bad" compared to the people on the net! then i thought if i did this instead of speaking (i talk alooot throught the day so that would be a ton of signing) i would be as fluent as they are. with experience you begin to master a skill and make it "appear easy". sign language can look apealing and the motions of it can become quite beautiful in sequence. As you can see in the youtube clip one of the most popular tv shows in the states right now has incorporated ASL (american sign language) into a singing segment. you would never have thought this would have been possible or even enjoyable to watch, but the million hits on youtube would disagree. I have found afew signing to song vids around and its taken sign language to a new level . the flowing motions attract a crowed! i hope i can learn to sign a song one day!
Because sign language is a language, a way of communicating, it has been design to not be a strenuous activity, you have to be able to do it as easy (or as close to) as talking. although this will never be the case sign language is deffinately a ingeniousness way of non verbal communication.
When signing a sentence or a phrase it is fluid movements flowing together, each word turns into a component of the stringed communication.
Christiansen, C. & Townsend, E. (2010). Introduction to occupation: The art of science and living. (2nd eds.). Prentice Hall.
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