Participation and Occupation 2

Hello and welcome back to my blog, this semester we have chosen an activity that through my understanding we will be putting under a microscope of analysis!

My chosen activity is……sign language!

Through Google and youtube I have been learning sign language. My curiosity spiked when I saw a couple in the super market signing and thought COOL! Why not learn?....Well then it came to me..I have NEVER been good at speaking languages, so decided I would learn one that didn’t involve speaking. This wouldn’t involve the element I found difficult which was the articulating the sounds in the correct order. I haven’t really had any previous experience with this activity in the past, the closest thing that springs to mind is making up actions to song lyrics when I was younger. I decided that I would learn little by little not “bitting off more then I can chew” and enjoy it by sharing what I have learnt with my peers.

What does this mean to me? Well I enjoy doing self directed activities that have some sort of goal and have a way of broadening my communication base. Learning some basics in sign language will give me an insight on a subculture that is not often heard about which may facilitate common ground with clients in the future. I will use my peers as a source of feedback and reflection on the activity by teaching them new words and phrases as I learn them. this will both help it solidify in my brain and help me use it in real life situations.

How would this be helpful for OT’s? Client reliability, being able to interact (on a basic level) with clients with a hearing disability will gain respect from them. By researching and developing my skill of sign language will increase my awareness of various organisations and the impact of it on society. Also I will hopefully be able to facilitate further education by passing on my gained skills.
This week in class we focused on mindfulness, let me tell you I now know every grove of a raisin, I’ll letcha know how it goes when I apply mindfulness to sign language this week!

Over and out,
Yours sincerely
Wanna be OT


  1. Hi Rachel,

    This is a great post! Such an interesting occupation. Great to have somthing so different.


  2. It actually is Victoria! look forward to giving you afew phrases to use!
